Camp 1163419 1920©Camp 1163419 1920CampsiteSki De Randonnee©Ski De RandonneeEquipment rentalSki De Randonnee©Ski De RandonneeEquipment rentalVignec Village©Vignec VillageResidences and vacation villagesSaint Lary Foehnphoto Village©Saint Lary Foehnphoto Village|FoehnphotoServicesWinter2023 Arnaud Spani 149©Winter2023 Arnaud Spani 149Unusual accommodationsOsole 089saint Lary Village©Osole 089saint Lary Village|Osole visualFamily Plus establishmentsBroccoli 1804446 1920©Broccoli 1804446 1920Food and cateringNeste De Jade Chambre Standard1 Web Grand©Neste De Jade Chambre Standard1 Web GrandHotelsOsole 077saint Lary Village©Osole 077saint Lary Village|Osole visualLeisure facilitiesStages Photo Montagne Naturavista 6 Web©Stages Photo Montagne Naturavista 6 Web|SOULA Jean-Gabriel jean-soula@wanadoo.frMedicalSki resort©Ski resort|Osole visualAll mountain activities