Escalde Wall of Beyrede @greg-photocremEscalde Wall of Beyrede @greg-photocrem
©Escalde Wall of Beyrede @greg-photocrem|tout droits reserves

Indoor climbing

around Saint-Lary

With its 2 walls of varying degrees of difficulty and linear bouldering at all levels, the Beyrède wall is an interesting indoor alternative on winter evenings, in case of inclement weather or to work the biceps in a different way!

La Salle SAE

de Beyrede

This is a FFME federal hall managed by Club Beyrede Escalade Montagne, which offers session rates. Opening times are posted daily on the Beyrede Escalade Montagne Facebook page.

You’ll find:

-1 initiation wall 6m high by 9m long
-1 wall 12m high mainly overhanging with routes in all levels
-1 linear 38m of boulders of all levels, with an inclined plane and even 1 Gullich pan


Rates and conditions

Free-access session rates are available (€12/adult and €9/unlicensed child).

Note that free-access slots are reserved for independent climbers with their own equipment.


of moments to experience
