Greg Terra Photo Artisanat Les Carlines 2©Greg Terra Photo Artisanat Les Carlines 2|gregory cremadesThe Patou des Pyrénées more than a dog, a symbolMore than a dog, a symbolCHEVRERIE DE GOUAUX©CHEVRERIE DE GOUAUXThe goatherd's gift to the cheese makerNew operation of the Gouaux goat farmquality milkGreg Terra Photo Miellerie D'aure Aragnouet 141021 4©Greg Terra Photo Miellerie D'aure Aragnouet 141021 4|Greg / Terra-PhotoAure de la noire des pyrénées honeyMoudang iron springsSaintlaryequipefranceescrimefeminine 1 Arnaud Spani©Saintlaryequipefranceescrimefeminine 1 Arnaud Spani|Arnaud SPÄNIOLYMPIC GAMES 2024JO 2024: The French women’s sabre team trains in Saint-Laryin Saint-LaryP1020104-1©P1020104-1The abandoned village of Muro de BellosMuro de Bellos©nbirrien Pastures Summer Station Cows Img 7323©©nbirrien Pastures Summer Station Cows Img 7323animal-related visits not to be missedOsole 072saint Lary Panorama©Osole 072saint Lary Panorama|Osole visualSaint Lary Soulan story of a great man and a resortand aGreg Terra Photo Chevrerie De Gouaux 14©Greg Terra Photo Chevrerie De Gouaux 14|Greg / Terra-PhotoMust-have products to bring back from vacationof Saint-LaryCycling Col Du Portet Summer21©Cycling Col Du Portet Summer21|nbirrienYou’re not fit to cycle up the Col du Portetto cycle up the Col du PortetLake of Sarrouye 7 jean Michel Louric©Lake of Sarrouye 7 jean Michel Louricfamily hike to lac de sarrouyeswith your familyNbirrien St 6j0a7097©Nbirrien St 6j0a7097|Nathan BIRRIENSaint-Lary Soulan: a land of rugbyof champions